Non-Surgical Ear Molding of Infant Ears

Ear Molding NY:

Non-Surgical Ear Molding of Infant Ears

Corrective treatment for ear deformities.

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Dr. Nicholas Bastidas, M.D., performs the latest in both non-surgical ear molding and reconstructive surgery to restore the functional architecture and beauty of a full-sized ear. Whether your child is born with abnormally large ears, folded ears, small or absent ears (Microtia), Dr. Bastidas can correct the ear and restore function. Depending on the severity of your child’s ear deformities, infant ear molding or microtia surgery can be performed.

What is Ear Molding?

Ear molding is a simple, non-operative way to correct for abnormally shaped or prominent ears if your baby’s ears stick out, are folded, or are misshapen. Due to the fact that newborns and infants have soft, pliable cartilage, their ears can be reshaped using gentle traction forces with molding. Ear molding applies a constant re-directive force to the cartilage to bend back, unfurl, and improve the position and structure of your baby’s ear without any pain or discomfort.

Normal Ear Anatomy

What is EarWell™?

Dr. Bastidas uses the EarWell™ device, which is custom-made to reshape your baby’s ear and consists of a soft silicone shell. The device is perforated to allow for your baby to hear normally during the process.

How Does Ear Molding Work?

Since the EarWell™ device is made with a posterior shell and soft rubber retractors, it is able to easily mold the pliable cartilage on your baby’s ear into the desired shape. The device must be worn for 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the age of your baby and the amount of reshaping that needs to be done.

Is Ear Molding Effective?

Ear molding is very effective, with more than 90% of all ear deformities being completely corrected. This technique is also known for preventing the need for future operations.

Schedule Your Ear Well Molding Appointment

What Are the Risks of Treatment?

Infant ear molding with the EarWell™ device has minimal risks associated with it. These risks include skin irritation or skin rashes.

What To Expect During Your Ear Molding Appointment

During your initial consultation, Dr. Bastidas will take a full medical history of your baby and perform a physical exam. If your baby is a candidate for ear molding, Dr. Bastidas will apply the EarWell™ device to the ear during this appointment.

This is a completely painless, simple process that is completed within a few short steps:

Dr. Bastidas will shave the hair around your baby’s ear and clean the area.

The device is applied. A built-in adhesive enables the device to stick to your baby’s skin.

Your baby’s ear is placed in the desired position and shape using a soft silicone retainer and conchal conformer. Further tape is applied to prevent the device from falling off as well as a protective cover.

What To Expect After Your Ear Molding Appointment

A follow-up exam will be performed 2 weeks after the ear molding device is applied. The follow-ups will continue until your baby’s ear has achieved the desired shape. Sometimes Dr. Bastidas will continue the process with only double-sided tape to fine-tune the results for an additional week.

If ear molding is started when your baby is greater than 3 weeks old, the process is continued for 4 to 6 weeks until the desired result is achieved.

Ear Reconstruction Surgery with Allograft Rib Cartilage (Real-Ear Technique)

For children with small or absent ears (Microtia), or adults with ear abnormalities (from cancer or trauma), Dr. Bastidas has created a world-renowned technique that utilizes the advantages of previous cartilage methods and synthetics to create the perfect ear. His technique combines the benefits of the traditional Rib Ear Reconstruction and Medpor Reconstruction techniques.

Dr. Bastidas uses cadaveric cartilage to reconstruct the ear, which has no significant risk of rejection and is completely safe. This allows Dr. Bastidas to reconstruct an ear starting at age 4 or 5 years old, without implants, without need for a scar on the chest, without significant pain, and as a 2-hour outpatient operation. Additionally, the reconstructed ear will have sensation and will be resistant to infections and blunt trauma in the future (unlike prosthetic ears).

Dr. Bastidas can sculpt your new ear using cadaveric rib cartilage from the Musculoskeletal Tissue Foundation (MTF) and implant the construct allowing for real cartilage to be used in your ear reconstruction or your child’s ear reconstruction.

This option was previously unavailable to adults, as their cartilage calcifies and gets hard with time and therefore can not be sculpted. With Dr. Bastidas’ technique, ears lost from cancers, traumas, or birth defects in both adults and children can be reconstructed without any issue.

Previous methods required children to wait for the procedure until they were older (8-10 years old), causing psychological stress during the formative years. In addition, the surgeries could lead to hair loss, involve painful procedures, and require long hospital stays.

With Dr. Bastidas’ Real-Ear Reconstruction Technique:

  • Real cartilage is used to reconstruct the ear (no medpor/plastic is used)
  • There is minimal pain (only Motrin and Tylenol are needed) – your child can go to school within 2 days
  • The outpatient procedure lasts less than 2 hours (minimal anesthesia exposure)
  • Ears can be reconstructed as early as age 4
  • Both adults and children can benefit from the reconstruction

In August 2020, Dr. Bastidas performed the world’s first non-immunogenic biologic ear reconstruction using processed cadaveric cartilage from the Musculoskeletal Tissue Foundation. Patients come from around the world to receive reconstructive treatment from Dr. Bastidas.

What To Expect:

Ear Reconstruction Surgery

Preparation for Ear Reconstruction Surgery

Dr. Bastidas will evaluate your child’s ear abnormality during the initial consultation. If your child is a candidate for ear reconstruction, he will discuss the Microtia surgery in detail, answering any questions you and your family might have regarding the procedure and post-treatment care. You will be notified if your child should discontinue any medications prior to the surgery. A 3D CT scan will be obtained to use for virtual and specific creating of your child’s customized reconstructed ear.

Additionally, Dr. Bastidas is offering virtual consultations for out-of-state and international patients.

Ear Reconstruction Surgery

The procedure will take less than 2 hours and is outpatient (you can go home the same day). General anesthesia is used, though minimized using local anesthesia. Dr. Bastidas uses cadaveric rib cartilage processed by the Musculoskeletal Tissue Foundation (MTF) to sculpt the ear and implant the construct. This allows for real cartilage to be used in your ear reconstruction or your child’s ear reconstruction.

After Ear Reconstruction Surgery

Patients only need Motrin or Tylenol for post-op pain relief. Typically, the reconstructed ear will be swollen and will need to be covered for approximately 7 days with a silicone putty. Patients can often return to work or school within 2 to 3 days but are restricted from contact sports for 3 to 4 weeks.

Follow-up appointments will be scheduled for patients to meet with Dr. Bastidas during their recovery period to ensure proper healing is taking place.

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Expertise in Ear Molding and Ear Reconstruction Surgery:
Dr. Nicholas Bastidas

Dr. Nicholas Bastidas has been providing ear molding, Microtia-related surgical interventions and similar ear reconstruction procedures since 2005. His experienced, gentle approach can correct the ear problem, and ensure your child has the best chance to thrive as they grow. Traditionally, he has used both rib and medpor based ear reconstruction techniques before developing his Real-Ear technique.

Dr. Bastidas is a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who specializes in the treatment of Microtia and ear abnormalities. He is a native New Yorker and is fluent in both English and conversational Spanish. As a graduate of the prestigious New York University (NYU) Medical School, he received his Medical Doctorate (M.D.) with distinguished honors in cell biology research after defending a thesis on vascular stem cell biology. He was then accepted into the NYU combined Plastic Surgery program (an accelerated six-year residency) where he performed reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital, and Manhattan Eye and Ear Infirmary.

To date, he is the recipient of four research grants, including one from the National Institute of Health. He is the author of over 36 peer-reviewed publications and has presented his research at national and regional plastic surgery meetings.


How long ıs the molding performed for?How long ıs the molding performed for?

The procedure for baby ear molding takes approximately 2 hours.

Why must ear molding be started early?Why must ear molding be started early?

Newborn ear molding must be started early because infants and newborns have soft, pliable cartilage. This makes it easier to reshape their ears and use gentle traction forces with molding.

What to expect during ear molding? What to expect during ear molding?

Dr. Bastidas will review your child’s full medical history and perform a physical exam. If a candidate for ear molding, Dr. Bastidas will apply the EarWell™ device to the ear during this appointment. The application of the device is a painless, simple process.

Is ear molding covered by insurance?Is ear molding covered by insurance?

Yes, baby ear molds are covered by insurance.

Does my baby need ear molding?Does my baby need ear molding?

Your baby might need ear molding if they were born with mishappen ears, folded ears, ears that stick out, or abnormally large ears, and when their outer ear is intact and all other parts of their ears are present. Age is also an important factor when determining if your baby is a candidate for ear molding – Your baby should be less than 6 weeks old.

Dr. Bastidas has successfully performed this procedure in children as old as 5 months using a modified technique. Early intervention is always better for more consistent results, ideally when your baby is 2 to 3 weeks old.

Why would a baby need ear molds?Why would a baby need ear molds?

A baby might need ear molds if they are born with abnormally large ears or folded ears.

How long do babies wear ear molds?
How long do babies wear ear molds?

Ear molding for infants usually requires that your child wear the ear molds for anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the amount of reshaping needed and when the device was applied. A newborn ear deformity resolves within this timeframe in more than 90% of cases.

NYC Location

715 Park Avenue, Suite 2, New York, NY 10021
(212) 485-0616

Long Island Location

1991 Marcus Ave, Suite 102, Lake Success, NY 10042
(516) 497-7900

NYC Location

715 Park Avenue, Suite 2, New York, NY 10021
(212) 485-0616

Long Island Location

1991 Marcus Ave, Suite 102, Lake Success, NY 10042
(516) 497-7900